Artful Living

day of the sun

pve sun-day-photo
Whew, what a Sunday this was! Today, we hosted our daughter’s soccer team for a pot-luck social and everything was wonderful. We sat outside in the glorious sunshine and everyone who was able to attend really had such a nice time.

The girls looked so much more grown up in clothing as we mostly see them wearing their soccer uniforms. My sweet husband manned the grill flipping burgers and hot dogs. The pot-luck spread was fantastic and we had just the right amount of everything.

I gathered some ferns, autumn leaves from my yard and sunflowers from our local grocery and created a nice arrangement in a pot I had painted long before “pve design” started. I missed my Sunday morning Qi gong class since I was prepping and setting up for the party but sitting in the sun on the patio was so enjoyable.
I took a moment to give a silent thanks to God for a beautiful day.

A day of the sun on a Sunday seems to be a perfect way to end the week and then to feel ready for Monday. Hope your sunday was a good one too.

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