Artful Living

holiday magic

theball My wish for each of you is to embrace the magic of the holidays. My twin sons were escorts for dear friend’s daughter’s debutante ball on Thanksgiving Eve and it was purely magical.

I was told that it would go fast, and it does seem like yesterday when they were dressed in their power ranger costumes building blocks and lego villages. Now they are juniors in college and will be 21 in February.  The young lady is a freshman in college.  They have known one another since they were infants.
The last two weeks have been a flurry of doing, completing holiday orders, sending out holiday greetings, wrapping gifts, baking and hosting some fun holiday celebrations to find the spirit and also to stop and enjoy the magic. One son had ACL surgery so much of my time has been devoted to caring for him, getting him to PT, filling the fridge and preparing home cooked meals. I stop each day and give thanks for the magic of the holidays, the lights, the decorations and the hustle and bustle.

May each of you find joy, peace and love during this time of pure holiday magic.

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