Artful Living

friday focus – discipline













How many times have you lacked the focus to discipline yourself to follow up or finish something.

During the past few weeks, I have had several cries for help from several overwhelmed friends who needed advice, an ear to listen or plain help to get the work done.   I get it, we are all busy and need friends to direct us, connect us and then to find the focus of what works best.  Developing a system and then being disciplined helps me to get tasks done.   A system is personal and that takes time to find the one you can stick to.  Are you a list maker or a list breaker?  Do you discipline yourself to follow the list and do the hardest thing first?




















Simply breaking down jobs will get things done.  Make a list in quadrants.   It helps to focus on errands in one fell swoop.  First thing in the morning is I unload the dishwasher and put everything away.  Try that same approach to your list,  organize the details by order of priority of importance.  Once that’s done, and everyone is on their merry way to a new day, I get down to work in my studio.




















When we break down our chores or tasks, it becomes clear what things need to be done first and what can wait.  Realizing our dreams requires work, commitment and discipline.  This is something I am working on in order to stay with it.  I have learned to free up commitments or lump them into one area in order to reduce the level of stress and increase the level of discipline.  I am a doer so it is hard for me to  realize that I need to do the work in order to fulfill my dreams.  Part of me feels a bit selfish by addressing my own needs first, but like they say on the plane, “Administer the oxygen to yourself, before you give it to others.”  Not that I have ever had an emergency like that, but I know that would require discipline.

Love to know how you stay honest, focused and be disciplined.  Are there tools that you cannot live without.  A day runner, an assistant, help or do you roll up your sleeves and just do it.

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