Artful Living

monday motivation – my old Kentucky home

my old Kentucky Home

my old Kentucky Home

I find as the years go by that there are many memories that need to be honored and I can think of nothing better than that of using what I have and creating artwork.  This is an illustration of my parents “Old Kentucky home” that I created to give to my Mother and Father a few weeks ago as they celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversary.  My printer made some great prints and my framer is matting them so that I can send something to each of my brothers and sisters to Thank them for all they have done to sell the old homestead.  My parents lived there for 57 years.

When reason causes us to take action, it is deep within that our motivation is turned on to take care of tasks in order to meet goals.  I think often we may not realize our own inherent strength in order to work towards finishing something that perhaps may be a symbolic ending yet a new beginning.  Have you ever been motivated to create  something that needed honoring?   I know that the new owners of my old childhood home are motivated and energetic and will certainly bring new life to my old Kentucky home.

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