Artful Living

monday motivation – sunny side up

Everyone needs a little motivation to bring a bit of sunshine inside to find the sunny side up of life.
No matter whatever has been tossed your way, try to toss a little sunshine at it and see how much brighter things look.  For the past few weeks, I must admit to being a bit down about our daughter and the emergency hospital stay and now the home recover phase.  This will be week three and between the nurse, the tutors and everything else on my plate, I intend to keep it sunny around here.

On a pleasant note a dear friend texted me to tell me my illustrations were in the New York Times Metro section for a client which made me smile.  I shall scan the advertisement and share that this week with you all.

So, tell me, how do you infuse your life with a sunny side up attitude.  What motivates you to keep looking up and finding the cheerful side of life?