Artful Living

monday motivation – mouthful

You may or may not find this post motivational however, it has everything to do with mouthing off. 
This image is one of my favorites, I feel that this woman is ready to give someone a mouthful.
When was the last time you gave someone a mouthful?  Did you find it liberating?  Did it have to do with standing up for yourself?  
Spending lots of time in the hospital has left me with a mouthful. 
 I feel our health care system is in pretty rough shape. 
The first meal they gave my daughter was “chicken nuggets and french fries.”
I of course had a mouthful to say about that.  Do you stand up and give mouthfuls when you see things that are clearly wrong and need change.  Therein lies my motivation.  Stand up when you see something wrong, even if it involves giving a mouthful in order to make it better.