Artful Living

prep time

Having a place for things in one’s kitchen certainly helps with prep time.
My Alessi cruet sits to the right of my stove since I am right handed and serves me well when I am preparing food.  Fresh sea salt and black pepper sit there waiting for a pinch or a grind.
The lovely mushroom topped canister was given to me by a dear friend long before my kitchen renovation began.  It is empty now but I just love having it out.

Time to re-fill the extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, sel & poivre along with tucking utensils bak into 
drawers and vessels.  Knives, mits, tongs, spatulas, wooden spoons and graters are all ready for a good holiday workout.  Having these items all at the ready do aid in speeding up prep time.  Now to get back to my artwork.  I think I need the same sort of set up once I can move into my new studio.

Is your kitchen ready for a holiday workout?  How do you handle prep time when it comes to meals?
I look forward to sharing my orderly baking cabinet stocked to bake holiday treats.