Artful Living

creative collections

“creative collections” inspiration board, part of the neo-traditionalist‘s new years plan to live more creatively by taking time for artistic endeavors, inspiration boards, needlepoint, etc.

The Neo-Traditionalist posted her inspiration board the other day and I could not help but re-visit this. Another friend of mine maintains a book of dreams that she admits to mastering her life of intent. She confesses that the act of having a one stop spot to go to where the gathering of collectivity becomes a reality. In fact, her children keep “dream books” too. In essence, we can create the life we want merely from our own ability to inspire. How wonderful to think that the life we want as a “quantum field” of radiating positive energy into action.

Long ago, one of my most favorite tasks as a fashion designer, was to rally some asemblance known as a “Mood Board” full of the seasonal forecast for the up-coming collection. It became a go to place as the collections would take shape, be it swatches of fabric, trims, photos, and or sketches.
Have you given thought to just doing an inspiration board for each season of your life (in advance.) I am starting my Spring board to inspire me, myself and I and I look forward to sharing it with you.
What inspires you? Do you keep a book of dreams or a board full of your inspiration collection?
Please e-mail me to share your mood board. I plan to post a series of “creative collections.”