Artful Living

little acorn hats

“Great oaks from little acorns grow”
It is that time of year, the little acorns seem good and plenty here which means that we are in for a cold winter. Outside my window, there are many squirrels gathering little acorns. Inside, I liken myself to squirrels, gathering too. I illustrate, I knit, I needlepoint, I cook, I clean, I paint and all of it makes me supremely happy. New pens, paints, yarns are the little acorns that can grow into great things. I knit these little hats and big ones too. Most often quip, “When do you find the time?”
Well, my hands are never idle. I am that squirrel you see, always running, doing and making the best use of my time. What sort of little acorns are you gathering?