Artful Living

just right

pve design illustration of a “just right” potting shed 2009
When I began this blog, my intent was a “just the right” sort of spot for me to post my thoughts, my art as well as many other countless objectives, too numerous to list. Whilst this has been a wonderful journey to post, to motivate, to inspire, I never imagined the overwhelming support from my readers – and to you I am forever grateful. With each post, the comments, the e-mails, the fan mail and the goodness that you share with me, takes me to such a warm and cozy place. Each of you give me such inspiration, motivation, support, and encouragement. As an artist, some things come just right, and other things take time to get to the just right spot. I do feel a bit like Goldilocks, some posts feel too small and others too big, but your comments are always just right.

I thank each of you for your “just right” comments and knowing that perhaps I have inspired something in each of you to create, design, and live an artful life. Wishing you a “just right” kind of Monday!