Artful Living

makeup artistry

“Feel Great” signed  by Bobbi Brown to me!

Bobbi Brown and Patricia van Essche
signing her book, “Makeup Manual”

Makeup artistry has intrigued me ever since I was old enough or allowed to wear any.  One of my most favorite makeup artists is renowned Bobbi Brown, founder of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics. She is the author of four bestselling books on beauty and her products are sold worldwide.

The invite arrived and I jumped at the opportunity to meet Bobbi and have her “autograph” my book.  The event took place at Lord & Taylor and it was quite an excited group of attendees all waiting to have their book signed or for a makeup consultation with one of her talented artists.

Bobbi sure knows how to put her best face forward to inspire others to do so with the help of her easy steps to looking and feeling good. 

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