Artful Living

good eye

“Nobleman” -Inherited eyes that spy on me
Part of being dedicated to art and to create one’s own unique vision requires that of a “good eye.”  Think of those that have gone before and imagine what they saw, I cannot help but go about my day and be reminded of the importance of a good eye.  The above confrere gives me the eye each day.  He provides a constant “nudge” to my day.  Often, I think I hear him say, “Carry-on, Stop procrastinating and just do it.”  I call him my “Nobleman.”

“Lady Bountiful” eyes me every day
It is all tempered by “Lady bountiful”, full of concern, a bit red in the cheek and telling me to take a break and go easy.   She looks a bit weery and lacking at the same time so she is that gentle push to make me want to lollygag or book an appointment for some sort of treatment, perhaps a facial.

Eyes of my daughter, watching me, painted by my sister
Then there are these sweet young things that were painted by my sister.  These eyes belong to my youngest child and they have that look of “ready to go”- excited to see and take it all in.  At the same time, they also have that look of “me do it” and the pride of showing her very own mother what she just saw with her little eye.  We have played countless games of eye spy with my little eye, the apple of my eye.

The apple of my eye”
What do you think it makes to create a good eye?  Are you born with it, is it innate or is it through seeing that we develop a good eye.  Tell me, do you have a good eye and what is eye-catching to you now?