Artful Living

Weekend Wanderer – Proud American

Proud American Flags are flying this weekend for the three-day weekend in honor of President’s Day.  

American Flags appear in many of my illustrations as well and to me they are symbolic,”proud to be American!” Perhaps if we show that we are proud, the power of positive thinking will fix all the hurt, the economic uncertainty, the strife of the war, and bring us together as one nation in harmony.  Peace to each of you and may you all enjoy this three-day weekend with those you love with pride.  Tell someone that you are proud of them for serving,  for leading, for stepping up to be President, for hanging a flag, or for simply being an good citizen and recycling or simply making a bed.  Pride is as contagious as a smile.  Spread the word and I will be proud of you!

Do you hang the American Flag with pride all year or only on certain Holidays?