Artful Living

Art in the Family.

“Snowy Valley” – Liz Thieneman Coomes

One always asks, Is everyone in your family talented?  I reply, why yes, silly.   I always thought that every family possessed the rare and unique artistic genes.  Lucky for me that my mother never allowed any of us to be bored.  We were always doing, making, baking, playing.  Each of us inherited unique qualities to take with us when we left the nest, never realizing that we were the lucky ones. 

Big sister inherited the gift of literature and has a way with words, recipes and paint.  She is a mother and I liken her to the female equivalent of Gandhi.    My eldest sister is the mecca, a voice of calm and a leader of my people.  She takes care of many a family crisis and is there for any disaster.  She still makes time to paint, bake, sing, care, love, mend, mother, wife, and sister me.
I thought I would post one of her lively paintings here, titled “Snowy Valley.” 
I love the way the trees are strong vertical players and the stream is the horizontal flow.  If you look closely, the stream is moving.  The strong blue casted colors provide a chilled light, warmed by the red of the trees and I imagine day will swiftly turn to night.  The brushed silver frame adds to the wintry mix and this is the perfect painting to bring cool to your home.  I will be posting more of her work along with some fabulous secret family recipes.  Thank you to my sister no. 1 for sharing with me her love of paint and to our Mother for keeping art in the family.